Other Filters
Investors in Select Companies
A common strategy among founders is to identify and pursue investors that have previously invested in similar companies and have seen strong returns. For instance, a food delivery startup in Finland may want to identify and pursue the early investors in DoorDash.
The above filter allows founders to select a set of “similar companies” that have done quite well. The system will then show a comprehensive list of all investors that have invested in the identified companies.
Users can then apply other filters to trim down this list to investors to include only those that meet other criteria that may be important to the user.
Enable Safe Mode
In many cases, founders end up inadvertently talking to investors that have previously invested in their direct competitors. With this filter, founders can identify and add a list of competitors. The system will then eliminate all investors that have previously invested in the identified competitors.
Frequent Followers
For founders that have a strong brand investor on the cap table (e.g. YCombinator), a common strategy is to pursue investors that have a track record of following the strong brand investor on their cap table.
As an example, founders that have raised from YCombinator may want to identify investors that love to invest in YC companies.
This filter allows founders to identify investors that follow a given investment firm by setting a threshold for the percentage of portfolio investments that a given investor must have made in companies backed by the brand name investor in question.