Users can request introductions with other founders on the platform that have previously raised from the user’s target investors. The below visual explains the process to request introductions via Metal:

With the above tool, detail-oriented founders that are building compelling businesses have an “unlimited” level of access. With Metal, founders are no longer limited by their existing network in accessing investors.

Metal’s User Base

On the Metal platform, over 70% of all paying users have raised seven or eight figure venture rounds from established VCs. Collectively, paying customers on Metal have raised from 300+ unique investors.

The user base is highly engaged, is also actively raising capital, and views introduction requests positively. If User X gets an introduction request from User Y, there is a significant likelihood that User X may also want to engage with one of the investors that User Y has raised from. Most introduction requests are mutually beneficial and founders are quick to realize that.

Process to Request Intros

On search results and on the pipeline tool, the platform indicates if there are any active paying users that have previously raised from a given investor. When available, users can request an intro with other founders that have previously raised from a given investor.

In such cases, the identity is not revealed (to maintain confidentiality). Instead, users can request an introduction with the other user. Once an introduction is requested, Metal’s team forwards the relevant blurb and pitch deck to the other user that has previously raised from that investor to get their buy-in before making an introduction.

All introduction requests are initiated and processed via the platform. Users can also see the status of an outstanding introduction request.

Verification Process

In order to being able to request introductions, users are required to run through a verification process. Via this process, Metal’s deal team ensures that each user has a blurb and pitch deck that meets our baseline quality. That way, users receiving introduction requests are assured that the platform would not create unnecessary noise via intro requests that aren’t useful to either party.

The verification process is quick and is designed to ensure that users requesting introductions meet a baseline quality bar for their blurb and pitch decks. If/when such a baseline is not met, Metal’s team conveys that to the user (with actionable feedback to help them get verified).